workspace extends ../models/models.dsl { name "Sweetgreen C4 Model" description "View Sweetgreen systems in the traditional c4 modeling views." views { systemlandscape "System_Landscape_Sweetgreen" { include * title "Sweetgreen System Landscape" description "The system landscape diagram for Sweetgreen. This shows an abstract view of the various systems and how they interact." } systemContext datawarehouseSoftwareSystem "Context_Data_Warehouse" { include * title "Digital Warehouse System Context" description "The diagram shows how the data warehouse interacts with various software systems." } systemContext digitalOrderingPlatformSoftwareSystem "Context_Digital_Ordering_Platform" { include * title "Digital Ordering Platform System Context" description "The diagram shows how the digital ordering platform interacts with various software systems." } systemContext marketingAndCustomerEngagementSoftwareSystem "Context_Marketing_And_Customer_Engagement" { include * title "Marketing and Customer Engagement System Context" description "The diagram shows how marketing and customer engagement interacts with various software systems." } systemContext operationManagementSoftwareSystem "Context_Operation_Management" { include * title "Operation Management System Context" description "The diagram shows how operation management interacts with various software systems." } systemContext physicalLocationsSoftwareSystem "Context_Physical_Locations" { include * title "Physical Locations System Context" description "The diagram shows how physical stores interact with various software systems." } container datawarehouseSoftwareSystem "Container_Data_Warehouse" { include * title "Data Warehouse Containers" description "The diagram shows how the containers in the datawarehouse interacts with eachother and various software systems." } container digitalOrderingPlatformSoftwareSystem "Container_Digital_Ordering_Platform" { include * title "Digital Ordering Platform Containers" description "The diagram shows how the containers in the digital ordering platform interacts with eachother and various software systems." } container marketingAndCustomerEngagementSoftwareSystem "Container_Marketing_And_Customer_Engagement" { include * title "Marketing and Customer Engagement Containers" description "The diagram shows how the containers within marketing and customer engagement interacts with eachother and various software systems." } container operationManagementSoftwareSystem "Container_Operation_Management" { include * title "Operation Management Containers" description "The diagram shows how the containers within operation management interacts with eachother and various software systems." } container physicalLocationsSoftwareSystem "Container_Physical_Locations" { include * title "Physical Location Containers" description "The diagram shows how the containers within physical stores interacts with eachother and various software systems." } } }